Martin Lupron King Day
(with thanks to Avonlea for the title)
Well, not only is it Day 1 of Lupron (Day 20 of my cycle), this is also my 50th post. A momentous occasion indeed. I've gotten e-mails from friends saying they're thinking of me, and I spoke with my parents who both also expressed their excitement and happiness that the day has arrived. I made brownies earlier to celebrate (well, really to have as a reward after the shot). Somehow, today has become a minor holiday - and not just because it's MLK, Jr. 's birthday.
I suppose the start of Lupron deserves the same recognition at least as starting a new job. Congratulations are probably in order. This could be the start of a life - and therefore it could be the start of a life-altering event. There's a Hebrew prayer called the Shecheyunu, which my family throws in when we can't find or remember the proper prayer to say at a specific occasion. Off the top of my head, it translates roughly to Blessed art Thou, oh Lord our G-d, King of the Universe, for allowing us to reach this day.
I've always liked it because, to me, it's a reminder that any day can be a special day - worthy of a prayer. I'm not a real religious person, I go to shul on the high holidays and light the Shabbat candles when I remember. Plus, I married an Atheist goy. But I think tonight, as D is preparing the Lupron, a little Shecheyunu might be in order.
Well, not only is it Day 1 of Lupron (Day 20 of my cycle), this is also my 50th post. A momentous occasion indeed. I've gotten e-mails from friends saying they're thinking of me, and I spoke with my parents who both also expressed their excitement and happiness that the day has arrived. I made brownies earlier to celebrate (well, really to have as a reward after the shot). Somehow, today has become a minor holiday - and not just because it's MLK, Jr. 's birthday.
I suppose the start of Lupron deserves the same recognition at least as starting a new job. Congratulations are probably in order. This could be the start of a life - and therefore it could be the start of a life-altering event. There's a Hebrew prayer called the Shecheyunu, which my family throws in when we can't find or remember the proper prayer to say at a specific occasion. Off the top of my head, it translates roughly to Blessed art Thou, oh Lord our G-d, King of the Universe, for allowing us to reach this day.
I've always liked it because, to me, it's a reminder that any day can be a special day - worthy of a prayer. I'm not a real religious person, I go to shul on the high holidays and light the Shabbat candles when I remember. Plus, I married an Atheist goy. But I think tonight, as D is preparing the Lupron, a little Shecheyunu might be in order.
Thanks for reminding me. The shecheyanu is a good reminder to be thankful, at least a little bit.
Confrats of starting and remember to chug the water to avoid lupron headaches.
Good luck, Mellie. I am thinking of you.
Congratulations on starting the Lupron. May your side effects be few.
Thinking of you. Congratulations on starting the lupron...
The start of something new! Usually congratulations are in order, so congratulations.
Good luck with the shots, and the whole cycle.
Lets get this show on the road!
We really are in this together Mellie! I began my Synarel (nasal spray version of Lupron) on Monday.
Congrats on getting started! I hope this is indeed the start of a life. The prayer seems quite fitting.
Good luck with the shots - and I like you're idea of a post-shot reward!
And so it begins...Best of luck to you!
Something New!! Mellie, you're in my thoughts... I hope this is THE cycle.
Yay! Happy Lupron Day!!
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