I Feel Like Crap, But I Guess That’s Good
Dad/brother/close friend: How are you feeling?
Me: Pukey (note – this is my clever way of not having to remember whether nauseated or nauseous is the right word (it’s nauseated, right?)
Dad/brother/close friend: Good!
I haven’t been able to master the balance of full stomach vs. empty stomach needed to stave off the nausea. I think I’ve been doing a good job at eating healthfully – but it seems that every hour I need to be noshing on something otherwise I start feeling ill. Fatigue is omnipresent. And the heartburn and gas that come along with no warning are not helping matters. The other day I was in a Barnes & Noble, and literally had to stop in my tracks on the way to the register while I literally bowled over with pain from a bad gas cramp. There was a manager near by who stopped giving instructions mid-sentence as he watched me fearfully. It passed, and I managed to check-out, but then I had to run back up 3 floors to use the bathroom. Blech.
But I’ll happily take it all and suffer through it. I’m just so grateful to be here.
This morning I called my insurance company to pre-certify and enroll in their “Maternity Care Program.” Tomorrow I have my first appointment with the OB. There still are moments where I can’t believe that I should be doing these things. But then the nausea creeps up and it’s not imaginary at all. And that’s good.